Emoji para Redes Sociais - Smileys & People - Frases, mensagens e imagens para status.


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Emoji para Redes Sociais - Smileys & People

Lista atualizada de Emoji para Redes Sociais, na categoria Smileys & People. Copie a figura e cole no campo de texto da sua Rede Social.

😀 Grinning Face
😁 Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes
😂 Face With Tears of Joy
😃 Smiling Face With Open Mouth
😄 Smiling Face With Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes
😅 Smiling Face With Open Mouth and Cold Sweat
😆 Smiling Face With Open Mouth and Tightly-Closed Eyes
😉 Winking Face
😊 Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes
😋 Face Savouring Delicious Food
😎 Smiling Face With Sunglasses
😍 Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes
😘 Face Throwing a Kiss
😗 Kissing Face
😙 Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes
😚 Kissing Face With Closed Eyes
☺ White Smiling Face
🙂 Slightly Smiling Face
😐 Neutral Face
😑 Expressionless Face
😶 Face Without Mouth
😏 Smirking Face
😣 Persevering Face
😥 Disappointed but Relieved Face
😮 Face With Open Mouth
😯 Hushed Face
😪 Sleepy Face
😫 Tired Face
😴 Sleeping Face
😌 Relieved Face
😛 Face With Stuck-Out Tongue
😜 Face With Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking Eye
😝 Face With Stuck-Out Tongue and Tightly-Closed Eyes
😒 Unamused Face
😓 Face With Cold Sweat
😔 Pensive Face
😕 Confused Face
😲 Astonished Face
☹ White Frowning Face
🙁 Slightly Frowning Face
😖 Confounded Face
😞 Disappointed Face
😟 Worried Face
😤 Face With Look of Triumph
😢 Crying Face
😭 Loudly Crying Face
😦 Frowning Face With Open Mouth
😧 Anguished Face
😨 Fearful Face
😩 Weary Face
😬 Grimacing Face
😰 Face With Open Mouth and Cold Sweat
😱 Face Screaming in Fear
😳 Flushed Face
😵 Dizzy Face
😡 Pouting Face
😠 Angry Face
😇 Smiling Face With Halo
😷 Face With Medical Mask
😈 Smiling Face With Horns
👿 Imp
👹 Japanese Ogre
👺 Japanese Goblin
💀 Skull
👻 Ghost
👽 Extraterrestrial Alien
💩 Pile of Poo
😺 Smiling Cat Face With Open Mouth
😸 Grinning Cat Face With Smiling Eyes
😹 Cat Face With Tears of Joy
😻 Smiling Cat Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes
😼 Cat Face With Wry Smile
😽 Kissing Cat Face With Closed Eyes
🙀 Weary Cat Face
😿 Crying Cat Face
😾 Pouting Cat Face
👦 Boy
👧 Girl
👨 Man
👩 Woman
👴 Older Man
👵 Older Woman
👶 Baby
👼 Baby Angel
👮 Police Officer
🕵 Sleuth or Spy
💂 Guardsman
👷 Construction Worker
👳 Man With Turban
👱 Person With Blond Hair
🎅 Father Christmas
👸 Princess
👰 Bride With Veil
👲 Man With Gua Pi Mao
🙍 Person Frowning
🙎 Person With Pouting Face
🙅 Face With No Good Gesture
🙆 Face With OK Gesture
💁 Information Desk Person
🙋 Happy Person Raising One Hand
🙇 Person Bowing Deeply
💆 Face Massage
💇 Haircut
🚶 Pedestrian
🏃 Runner
💃 Dancer
👯 Woman With Bunny Ears
🕴 Man in Business Suit Levitating
🗣 Speaking Head in Silhouette
👤 Bust in Silhouette
👥 Busts in Silhouette
👫 Man and Woman Holding Hands
👬 Two Men Holding Hands
👭 Two Women Holding Hands
💏 Kiss
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Kiss (Man, Man)
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Kiss (Woman, Woman)
💑 Couple With Heart
👨‍❤️‍👨 Couple With Heart (Man, Man)
👩‍❤️‍👩 Couple With Heart (Woman, Woman)
👪 Family
👨‍👩‍👧 Family: Man, Woman, Girl
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family: Man, Woman, Girl, Boy
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family: Man, Woman, Boy, Boy
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Family: Man, Woman, Girl, Girl
👨‍👨‍👦 Family: Man, Man, Boy
👨‍👨‍👧 Family: Man, Man, Girl
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Family: Man, Man, Girl, Boy
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Family: Man, Man, Boy, Boy
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Family: Man, Man, Girl, Girl
👩‍👩‍👦 Family: Woman, Woman, Boy
👩‍👩‍👧 Family: Woman, Woman, Girl
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family: Woman, Woman, Girl, Boy
👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family: Woman, Woman, Boy, Boy
👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 Family: Woman, Woman, Girl, Girl
💪 Flexed Biceps
👈 White Left Pointing Backhand Index
👉 White Right Pointing Backhand Index
☝ White Up Pointing Index
👆 White Up Pointing Backhand Index
🖕 Reversed Hand With Middle Finger Extended
👇 White Down Pointing Backhand Index
✌ Victory Hand
🖖 Raised Hand With Part Between Middle and Ring Fingers
🤘 Sign of the Horns
🖐 Raised Hand With Fingers Splayed
✋ Raised Hand
👌 OK Hand Sign
👍 Thumbs Up Sign
👎 Thumbs Down Sign
✊ Raised Fist
👊 Fisted Hand Sign
👋 Waving Hand Sign
👏 Clapping Hands Sign
✍ Writing Hand
👐 Open Hands Sign
🙌 Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration
🙏 Person With Folded Hands
💅 Nail Polish
👂 Ear
👃 Nose
👣 Footprints
👀 Eyes
👁 Eye
👅 Tongue
👄 Mouth
💋 Kiss Mark
👓 Eyeglasses
🕶 Dark Sunglasses
👔 Necktie
👕 T-Shirt
👖 Jeans
👗 Dress
👘 Kimono
👙 Bikini
👚 Womans Clothes
👛 Purse
👜 Handbag
👝 Pouch
🎒 School Satchel
👞 Mans Shoe
👟 Athletic Shoe
👠 High-Heeled Shoe
👡 Womans Sandal
👢 Womans Boots
👑 Crown
👒 Womans Hat
🎩 Top Hat
🎓 Graduation Cap
⛑ Helmet With White Cross
💄 Lipstick
💍 Ring
🌂 Closed Umbrella
💼 Briefcase

Todas as imagens são fornecidas gratuitamente por EmojiOne.com. Os nomes que acompanham os Emoji são propriedade dos seus criadores.

Os Emoji acima poderão ter a visualização alterada dependendo da plataforma em que estão sendo utilizados.

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