Emoji para Redes Sociais - Symbols - Frases, mensagens e imagens para status.


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Emoji para Redes Sociais - Symbols

Lista atualizada de Emoji para Rede Social, na categoria Symbols. Copie a figura e cole no campo de texto da sua Rede Social.

👁‍🗨 Eye in Speech Bubble
💘 Heart With Arrow
❤ Heavy Black Heart
💓 Beating Heart
💔 Broken Heart
💕 Two Hearts
💖 Sparkling Heart
💗 Growing Heart
💙 Blue Heart
💚 Green Heart
💛 Yellow Heart
💜 Purple Heart
💝 Heart With Ribbon
💞 Revolving Hearts
💟 Heart Decoration
❣ Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament
💤 Sleeping Symbol
💢 Anger Symbol
💬 Speech Balloon
🗯 Right Anger Bubble
💭 Thought Balloon
💮 White Flower
♨ Hot Springs
💈 Barber Pole
🕛 Clock Face Twelve O'Clock
🕧 Clock Face Twelve-Thirty
🕐 Clock Face One O'Clock
🕜 Clock Face One-Thirty
🕑 Clock Face Two O'Clock
🕝 Clock Face Two-Thirty
🕒 Clock Face Three O'Clock
🕞 Clock Face Three-Thirty
🕓 Clock Face Four O'Clock
🕟 Clock Face Four-Thirty
🕔 Clock Face Five O'Clock
🕠 Clock Face Five-Thirty
🕕 Clock Face Six O'Clock
🕡 Clock Face Six-Thirty
🕖 Clock Face Seven O'Clock
🕢 Clock Face Seven-Thirty
🕗 Clock Face Eight O'Clock
🕣 Clock Face Eight-Thirty
🕘 Clock Face Nine O'Clock
🕤 Clock Face Nine-Thirty
🕙 Clock Face Ten O'Clock
🕥 Clock Face Ten-Thirty
🕚 Clock Face Eleven O'Clock
🕦 Clock Face Eleven-Thirty
🌀 Cyclone
♠ Black Spade Suit
♥ Black Heart Suit
♦ Black Diamond Suit
♣ Black Club Suit
🀄 Mahjong Tile Red Dragon
🎴 Flower Playing Cards
🔇 Speaker With Cancellation Stroke
🔈 Speaker
🔉 Speaker With One Sound Wave
🔊 Speaker With Three Sound Waves
📢 Public Address Loudspeaker
📣 Cheering Megaphone
📯 Postal Horn
🔔 Bell
🔕 Bell With Cancellation Stroke
🏧 Automated Teller Machine
🚮 Put Litter in Its Place Symbol
🚰 Potable Water Symbol
♿ Wheelchair Symbol
🚹 Mens Symbol
🚺 Womens Symbol
🚻 Restroom
🚼 Baby Symbol
🚾 Water Closet
⚠ Warning Sign
🚸 Children Crossing
⛔ No Entry
🚫 No Entry Sign
🚳 No Bicycles
🚭 No Smoking Symbol
🚯 Do Not Litter Symbol
🚱 Non-Potable Water Symbol
🚷 No Pedestrians
🔞 No One Under Eighteen Symbol
☢ Radioactive Sign
☣ Biohazard Sign
⬆ Upwards Black Arrow
↗ North East Arrow
➡ Black Rightwards Arrow
↘ South East Arrow
⬇ Downwards Black Arrow
↙ South West Arrow
⬅ Leftwards Black Arrow
↖ North West Arrow
↕ Up Down Arrow
↔ Left Right Arrow
↩ Leftwards Arrow With Hook
↪ Rightwards Arrow With Hook
⤴ Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Upwards
⤵ Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards
🔃 Clockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows
🔄 Anticlockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows
🔙 Back With Leftwards Arrow Above
🔚 End With Leftwards Arrow Above
🔛 On With Exclamation Mark With Left Right Arrow Above
🔜 Soon With Rightwards Arrow Above
🔝 Top With Upwards Arrow Above
🛐 Place of Worship
⚛ Atom Symbol
🕉 Om Symbol
✡ Star of David
☸ Wheel of Dharma
☯ Yin Yang
✝ Latin Cross
☦ Orthodox Cross
☪ Star and Crescent
☮ Peace Symbol
🔯 Six Pointed Star With Middle Dot
♻ Black Universal Recycling Symbol
📛 Name Badge
🔰 Japanese Symbol for Beginner
🔱 Trident Emblem
⭕ Heavy Large Circle
✅ White Heavy Check Mark
☑ Ballot Box With Check
✔ Heavy Check Mark
✖ Heavy Multiplication X
❌ Cross Mark
❎ Negative Squared Cross Mark
➕ Heavy Plus Sign
➖ Heavy Minus Sign
➗ Heavy Division Sign
➰ Curly Loop
➿ Double Curly Loop
〽 Part Alternation Mark
✳ Eight Spoked Asterisk
✴ Eight Pointed Black Star
❇ Sparkle
‼ Double Exclamation Mark
⁉ Exclamation Question Mark
❓ Black Question Mark Ornament
❔ White Question Mark Ornament
❕ White Exclamation Mark Ornament
❗ Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol
© Copyright Sign
® Registered Sign
™ Trade Mark Sign
♈ Aries
♉ Taurus
♊ Gemini
♋ Cancer
♌ Leo
♍ Virgo
♎ Libra
♏ Scorpius
♐ Sagittarius
♑ Capricorn
♒ Aquarius
♓ Pisces
⛎ Ophiuchus
🔀 Twisted Rightwards Arrows
🔁 Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows
🔂 Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows With Circled One Overlay
▶ Black Right-Pointing Triangle
⏩ Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle
◀ Black Left-Pointing Triangle
⏪ Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle
🔼 Up-Pointing Small Red Triangle
⏫ Black Up-Pointing Double Triangle
🔽 Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle
⏬ Black Down-Pointing Double Triangle
⏹ Black Square for Stop
🎦 Cinema
🔅 Low Brightness Symbol
🔆 High Brightness Symbol
📶 Antenna With Bars
📳 Vibration Mode
📴 Mobile Phone Off
#️⃣  Keycap Number Sign
0️⃣  Keycap Digit Zero
1️⃣  Keycap Digit One
2️⃣  Keycap Digit Two
3️⃣  Keycap Digit Three
4️⃣  Keycap Digit Four
5️⃣  Keycap Digit Five
6️⃣  Keycap Digit Six
7️⃣  Keycap Digit Seven
8️⃣  Keycap Digit Eight
9️⃣  Keycap Digit Nine
🔟 Keycap Ten
💯 Hundred Points Symbol
🔠 Input Symbol for Latin Capital Letters
🔡 Input Symbol for Latin Small Letters
🔢 Input Symbol for Numbers
🔣 Input Symbol for Symbols
🔤 Input Symbol for Latin Letters
🅰 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter A
🆎 Negative Squared AB
🅱 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter B
🆑 Squared CL
🆒 Squared Cool
🆓 Squared Free
ℹ Information Source
🆔 Squared ID
Ⓜ Circled Latin Capital Letter M
🆕 Squared New
🆖 Squared NG
🅾 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter O
🆗 Squared OK
🅿 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter P
🆘 Squared SOS
🆙 Squared Up With Exclamation Mark
🆚 Squared Vs
🈁 Squared Katakana Koko
🈂 Squared Katakana Sa
🈷 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6708
🈶 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6709
🈯 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6307
🉐 Circled Ideograph Advantage
🈹 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5272
🈚 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7121
🈲 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7981
🉑 Circled Ideograph Accept
🈸 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7533
🈴 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5408
🈳 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7a7a
㊗ Circled Ideograph Congratulation
㊙ Circled Ideograph Secret
🈺 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-55b6
🈵 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6e80
▪ Black Small Square
▫ White Small Square
◻ White Medium Square
◼ Black Medium Square
◽ White Medium Small Square
◾ Black Medium Small Square
⬛ Black Large Square
⬜ White Large Square
🔶 Large Orange Diamond
🔷 Large Blue Diamond
🔸 Small Orange Diamond
🔹 Small Blue Diamond
🔺 Up-Pointing Red Triangle
🔻 Down-Pointing Red Triangle
💠 Diamond Shape With a Dot Inside
🔲 Black Square Button
🔳 White Square Button
⚪ Medium White Circle
⚫ Medium Black Circle
🔴 Large Red Circle
🔵 Large Blue Circle

Todas as imagens são fornecidas gratuitamente por EmojiOne.com. Os nomes que acompanham os Emoji são propriedade dos seus criadores.

Os Emoji acima poderão ter a visualização alterada dependendo da plataforma em que estão sendo utilizados.

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